Are now available Technical Specifications in english which guide VIVA indicators application.
VIVA is not meant to be a firm comparative tool, because the environmental footprint is in large measure characterized and influenced by the wine-producing firms cultivation areas. VIVA aims at stimulating a sustainable path by means of an analysis tool to measure wine production impacts and, at the same time, it is a useful instrument for the consumer to assure him transparency. In this context the Italian Ministry of Environment and OPERA have produced four indicators to help wineries to measure their own sustainability performances, following a 360° approach that embraces the pillars of sustainability: Environmental, Economic, Cultural and Social. Thanks to their features, VIVA indicators are applicable to every home territory.
We are able to measure sustainability through two distinct approaches:
- At an organizational level, it is possible to do an assessment closer to producers’ knowledge and to develop awareness of wine-producing chain improvement possibilities.
- At a product level, it is possible to conduct a product-focused analysis and to inform the end consumer about the real wine-producing firm environmental commitment through a transparent and easy system.
VIVA project is applicable to every Italian wineries:
- Those firms who directly produce grapes, wine and bottle it;
- Those firms who do not have a direct grapes production and rely on contributors, such as wine-growers’ cooperative and big wine producers.
The document contains all separate product and organization technical specifications, that can be looked up one by one.
If you would like to receive a copy of the Technical Specifications, please send an email to and
dott.ssa Gloria Luzzani