Azienda Agricola Bernardi

Results validated by Valoritalia Srl

We blend the most innovative vineyard and winery practices with our love for the land and the wine it produces.
It is a family legacy: we portray the region we were born in through its best fruit. In particular its Prosecco DOCG.
In 1975 we made a choice. A choice that meant tending to the vines that dominate the landscape of these hills. We put our heart into how best we could nurture our grapes to yield top shelf wine, which led to renovating the winery. An overall choice to combine meticulous viticulture practices with quality oenology.

Clicca per vedere i risultati dei singoli indicatori

AIR indicator reflects the total greenhouse gas emission directly or indirectly associated with the company activities (GHG Inventory).
Total emissions are divided into six categories: Category 1 – Direct GHG emissions; Category 2 – Indirect GHG emissions from imported energy; Category 3 – Indirect GHG emissions from transportation; Category 4 – Indirect GHG emissions from products used by organization; Category 5 – Indirect GHG emissions associated with the use of products from the organization (NS=Non Significant as outside the reporting boundaries); Category 6 – Indirect GHG emissions from other sources.
The result is graphically represented by the ring in which the colored segments represent the contribution of each Category.

Category 1 – Direct GHG emissions
Category 2 – Indirect GHG emissions from imported energy
Category 3 – Indirect GHG emissions from transportation
Category 4 – Indirect GHG emissions from products used by organization
Category 5 – Indirect GHG emissions associated with the use of products from the organization (NS=Non Significant as outside the reporting boundaries)
Category 6 – Indirect GHG emissions from other sources

The WATER indicator expresses the potential environmental impacts resulting from the use of fresh water. It takes into account the water directly consumed and polluted by the activities that the company carries out, both in the vineyard and in the cellar, during a calendar year. These impacts are evaluated by two indicators: in particular, water scarcity (Direct Water Scarcity Footprint) depends on the water drawn from water bodies, while the estimate of the qualitative degradation of water (Non-Comprehensive Direct Water Degradation Footprint) derives from processes of re-naturalization of the water bodies.

Direct Water Scarcity Footprint




VINEYARD indicator measures the agricultural practices impact: the use of agrochemicals and their effects on ground water, air and soil quality; the soil management which includes the use of fertilizers; the management of organic materials; phenomena such as compaction and erosion and other activities that can affect biodiversity. The impact of such parameters are expressed on a scale from A to E (A = minimal environmental impact; E = strong environmental impact).

Environmental Impact

TERRITORY indicator assesses the impact of winery's activities on its surrounding area and local community. This includes: the impact on surrounding biodiversity, taking also into account initiatives carried out by the wine company to protect and preserve the environment; the social and economic impact on local workforce (both in terms of job creation and job quality); the impact on local communities that is producers and consumers. Such indicator analyses whether the winery has respected the socio-economic parameters required by the project.

Click to view the indicator's results
VIVA. Sustainable wine
Ministero della transizione ecologica